Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tips for ordering hats ...

hi all

just thought i would outline some helpful tips that make it easier for me to create your beautiful hat. when sending through your order, please let me know the following:

* be as specific as possible, the more details the better

* if at all possible provide me with your child's head circumference to ensure a nice fit

* don't be affraid to let me know if the finished outcome is not quite right as i aim to please.

looking forward to creating something special for your little one soon.

chat soon

bec xoxoxo

Thursday, April 14, 2011


hi there and welcome .... this blog is new for me so please bear with me whilst i work through the kinks.

i have been creating beautiful hats for my daughter since she was born 7 months ago. i was recently asked if i would be interested in selling my hats .... to be honest i had never thought about it ... after giving it some serious thought, i thought why not what do i have to loose. so here i am, making and selling my hats for you all to enjoy. since announcing that my hats are now for sale a week ago, i have already taken 7 orders (squeal) this makes me so happy.

over the next few weeks i will be opening an etsy shop, i will announce the details of this when it happens, but in the meantime if you are interested in purchasing a beautiful hat, please send me an email or visit our facebook site - myheartflutters and check us out.

looking forward to creating something beautiful for you soon.

Bec xoxoxox