Friday, May 27, 2011

busy, busy, busy

Hi all

(squealing with delight ... exciting news below)

i have been very busy filling orders over the past week. I wish to thank everyone for trusting me to create a beautiful hat for them. your support with my new venture is really appreciated. don't forget to mention our hats to your friends and family as they too may be interested. over the next month, i will be offering a 5% discount to you on your next order when someone you have recommended to us purchases an item. so please spread the love and share us with your friends and grab yourself a discount as well.

i plan to have a new style hat and headband up in the gallery soon .... keep an eye out for these ... they are just beautiful.

i am also in the process of opening a shop on as well as etsy.. i will let you all know when these are up and running.

over the next week or two i will also be featuring on one of my favourite blogs. will let you know when this happens as well ... i am so excited.

until next time, take care and thanks for stopping by.

bec xoxoxo

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