Sunday, March 25, 2012

our weekend

Saturday we all headed off in the car to various destinations .... emma, my mum and i dropped the boys and poppy off at the boat show and then we headed onto the sewing and craft expo. we arrived before the doors opened and waited about 5 minutes before entering. there was so much to see and do but with an 18mth old tagging along we needed to work fast to see everything.

we managed to walk up and down each of the isles and stopped at various stalls to grab some goodies .(i was so excited to finally find the lace that i have been searching for for quite a long time) before Miss Emma decided that she had had enough. we snuck back to a few of the stalls to grab some last minute things.

i love the little stash of goodies i grabbed and am going to have so much fun creating some handmade goodness with them

Sunday was spent out in the gardens, weeding, pruning, planting and chopping ... all the fun things that need to be done to keep the place looking nice. Mitchell and Emma were great little helpers and it was decided that a treat was needed .... so on the way to the dump we stopped off at the bakery where everyone got a surprise (even mummy and daddy)

then it was off to mum and dads for a bbq lunch to celebrate dads birthday tomorrow.

hope your weekend was as eventful and enjoyable as ours.


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