Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wow ... it has been a while

So sorry for my lack of posts .... life got in the way.  So much has happened since I last blogged.

The family is all good, Miss Emma turned two just recently (such a fun age).  We are experiencing tantrums which are bought on by lots of things .... the most significant one is having to share her Mummy with eight other children throughout the week.  I love her so much, but boy can she bring me to tears.  As I sit here and type this ... she is playing hairdressers with my hair.
Master Mitch is a few weeks away from turning nine.  We are working through some issues with him too ... attitude is a big one and not listening.
I thought the 7 year age gap would be easier, but I actually think it is harder :( ... we are working through things as they arrise.
The last time I posted I mentioned that our fort was in need of a serious makeover.  I recently took a week off from care and the fort got the makeover it so desperately needed.  I love it and the children love it.  A fun place to play, learn and grow.
We through Emma a Sesame Street themed birthday party which she really enjoyed.  Who doesn't love Sesame Street.  I loved it as it was a really simple theme.  Lots of colour, simple food and some great family and friends to help celebrate.
I have created so many new items for My Heart Flutters including dolls, crochet goodness (bunting, hats, booties) and so much more.
I aim to post more regulary on life (good and bad, happy and sad), new items going up on My Heart Flutters, our family day care experiences and so much more.  I hope you enjoy sharing these experiences with me.
Take care
Rebecca xoxo

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