Friday, October 7, 2011


welcome to the new look My Heart Flutters .....

i have merged one of my other blogs with My Heart Flutters to simplify my life a little. i have so much going on at the moment that i was finding it difficult to keep all my blogspots updated.

so what has been going on in my little world of late ....

1. emma turned ONE ... we held a beautiful afternoon tea party for her with lots of yummy food and pretty decorations.

2. brendan left two days after Emma's party for India for four weeks of work (only three more sleeps until he is home)

3. the children and i moved out and headed to Caloundra for a week whilst new tiles were laid in the downstairs area of our house. it was a mammoth task to get all the furniture out and then back in (thanks to my dad and brother for their help)

4. have been busily creating handmade goodies for the My Heart Flutters stall to be held at Mitchell's school fete on October 15.

5. attending numerous football breakups/presentations for mitchell

the past four weeks has been very challenging for me as i play the role of mum, dad, cleaner, taxi driver, worker and all the other numerous hats i have had to wear ... i take my hat off to all the single mums out there trying to make it work ... i have had moments where i wanted to curl up into the feotal position and cry, wanted to lock myself in the cupboard so the children could not find me .... but then i have had moments where i sit down and look around and think i am truly blessed ... i have a lovely home which i helped create with a man who truly loves me .. i have two beautiful children .... and i have a career i enjoy .... i am not perfect but who is .... i may raise my voice a little at my children but then provide them with lots of cuddles and kisses ...

with all said and done .... i cannot wait until tuesday when brendan arrives back into this country to be my partner in crime .... i have missed him ...

and because i haven't shared any pics of emma's tea party ..... here they are (thanks to Erin Honsa Photography for taking pictures from my girls special day)

(handmade lolly bags)

(emma's party hat ... made by me)

(lolly bags again)

(my georgous girl)

(tea party food)

(the cake - decorated with cupcake wrapper flowers)

(my girl and her daddy ... i love this photo)

(enjoying some fairy bread with mummy)

till next time .... take care of you and your loved ones


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