Monday, October 24, 2011

my baby boy turns eight

wow ... i can't believe that my baby boy is now 8 ... it doesn't feel that long ago that Brendan and I were the proud parents of our first child ... i remember we were proud as punch that we had made this adorable little creature ... he was ours to love and cherish, teach and raise ....

as i look back upon the years i can't believe how much and how big he has grown. i am sure that before we realise it he will be towering over us. we have our moments like all parents and children, but we try and lead him in the right direction and try and teach him to make the right choices ... sometimes it doesn't go as planned ... but we are all still learning ...

he has taught me so much, i can now name every dinosaur, i know all the names of the characters out of cars, i am a master and building lego and i can kick a football (not very well though) ... i wonder what adventure he will take me on next.

Happy Birthday Mitch ... thanks for being you .... we love you very, very much xoxox

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