Sunday, November 20, 2011

My baby girl is no longer a baby

Well it is official ...miss Emma is no longer a baby ... She is a walking, talking, self sufficient toddler. She knows what she wants and she wont give up until she gets it. Just recently we had a lot of troubles at bed time ... Lots of screaming and kicking ... Eventually after a few nights of control crying and routine tweaking we got her to fall asleep by herself at 6.30pm. She wakes at 6.00am most mornings and we enjoy some quiet time before the rest of the house wakes. We are enjoying our late afternoon walks to the park before bath time ... This has become apart of our routine ....

Her vocabulary is increasing more and more each day ... Her words at the moment include: mum, dad, ta, bye, hello, shoes, cheese, na na (banana) and our newest word today is baby. I love the way she says baby ... It is oh so cute.

she needs to be kept busy ... Outside play is our favourite thing to do ... Water play, jumping on the tramp, sliding down the slide, playing in the ball pit ... We don't like television ... No wiggles or hi-5 for us .... We read lots of books, draw and enjoy a lovely cup of tea from the tea set ... She loves her brother .... Mitchell is a very hard word to say for an almost 15month old girl ... She has her own little word that she uses instead ... He knows that she is talking to him ... The age difference doesn't appear to be a problem.

I miss my baby girl ... But am loving my little toddler ... I guess she will always be my baby girl


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