Monday, December 19, 2011

Gingerbread House

Every year i attempt to make a Gingerbread House .... every year i have been unsuccessful .... until 2011.

I did it .... squeals of delight ... it is amazing ....

I purchased a new mould from the Chefs Toolbox ... it is awesome .... you bake the gingerbread in the silicone mould making for a perfect house to build ... someone also told me that the icing needs to be really thick to ensure it holds it all together.

i had some wonderful little helpers along the way ......

late last night i sat down and stuck it all together (when my helpers were asleep)

this morning it was ready to be decorated

Mitch did a great job with the decorating

then we hand delievered to some special people

we hope you enjoy it MARTIN family xoxox

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